Package com.checkout.threeds.domain.model


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data class AllStyleCustomization(@ColorRes() textColor: Int?, @FontRes() textFont: Int?, @ColorRes() tint: Int?)
General customization for all elements that could be overridden by specific element customisation
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data class AuthenticationError : AuthenticationResult
This class holds the details for the error result of the authentication process.
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enum AuthenticationErrorType : Enum<AuthenticationErrorType> , Parcelable
This enum holds the type of the error occurred during the authentication process.
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data class AuthenticationParameters(sessionId: String, sessionSecret: String, scheme: String)
The class used to provide input parameters required for an authentication request.
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open class AuthenticationResult : Parcelable
This class holds the details for the result of the authentication process.
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data class BackgroundCustomization(@ColorRes() backgroundColor: Int?, @DimenRes() cornerRadius: Int?, @ColorRes() borderColor: Int?, @DimenRes() borderWidth: Int?, @DimenRes() bgElevation: Int?)
Use this class to set the background style of a specified user interface element.
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data class ButtonCustomization(buttonBackground: BackgroundCustomization, label: TextStyleCustomization)
Use this class to set the visual style of the main action button on a 3DS2 challenge screen.
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data class EditTextCustomization(input: TextStyleCustomization, editTextBackground: BackgroundCustomization)
Use this class to set the visual style of the challenge text entry box.
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data class FooterCustomization(@ColorRes() expandIndicatorColor: Int?, labelStyleCustomization: TextStyleCustomization, textStyleCustomization: TextStyleCustomization)
Use this class to set the visual style of footer section, at the bottom of a 3DS2 challenge screen.
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sealed class LabelCustomization
Generic class used to customize the visual style of text on the challenge screen.
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data class NavigationBarCustomization(@ColorRes() backgroundColor: Int?, @DimenRes() panelElevation: Int?, headingStyleCustomization: TextCustomization, buttonStyleCustomization: TextCustomization)
Use this class to provide objects that specify user interface customizations for the navigation bar that appears at the top of the challenge screen for 3DS1 and 3DS2, and includes the screen title and the Cancel button.
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enum ResultType : Enum<ResultType> , Parcelable
This enum holds the type of the result for the authentication process.
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data class SelectorCustomization(@ColorRes() selectorColor: Int?, label: TextStyleCustomization)
Use this class to set the visual style of options that users can select during a single-select or a multi-select challenge.
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enum Severity : Enum<Severity>
The severity levels of warnings produced by the SDK.
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data class SwitchCustomization(@ColorRes() textColor: Int?, @FontRes() textFont: Int?, @ColorRes() thumbColor: Int?) : LabelCustomization
Use this class to set the visual style of the ‘allow list’ switch that may appear on a 3DS2 challenge screen.
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data class TextCustomization(@ColorRes() textColor: Int?, @FontRes() textFont: Int?, @StringRes() text: Int?) : LabelCustomization
Use this class to customize the style of the text in the Navigation Bar used across 3DS1 and 3DS2 challenge screens, as well as the actual text displayed as the title.
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data class TextStyleCustomization(@ColorRes() textColor: Int?, @FontRes() textFont: Int?) : LabelCustomization
Use this class to customize the visual style of the text on the challenge screen.
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data class UICustomization(navigationBarCustomization: NavigationBarCustomization, informationHeaderStyleCustomization: TextStyleCustomization, informationTextStyleCustomization: TextStyleCustomization, entryLabelStyleCustomization: TextStyleCustomization, whitelistLabelStyleCustomization: SwitchCustomization, actionButtonStyleCustomization: ButtonCustomization, alternativeButtonStyleCustomization: ButtonCustomization, entryBoxStyleCustomization: EditTextCustomization, entrySelectorStyleCustomization: SelectorCustomization, footerCustomization: FooterCustomization)
Used to provide objects that specify user interface customizations for the 3D Secure 2 challenge screens.
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sealed class Warning
Represents a warning produced by the 3DS SDK, either due to potential security issues found, or to communicate a rejected configuration request.


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fun uiCustomization(block: UICustomization.() -> Unit): UICustomization
Root DSL Method for UICustomization setup